About Me

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Hello my name is Donna. Thanks for visiting. I live in an Edwardian house in inner city Manchester, I love Baking, car booting, hunting around charity shops, and crafting.I work full time.I have two grown up children. And lots of spare time. This blog is my online diary where I can and do ramble on about my everyday life.

Saturday, 17 February 2018

Chinese New Year

We celebrated Chinese New year with some lovely food from good old M&S. I had a voucher left from Christmas and an offer on my Sparks card so got the lot for £12.00.

It was really tasty as well

It's Geoff's Birthday today so we are out to dinner tonight at his favorite Greek restaurant which is local to us.

It's  also Richard and Judy's they liked it that much they gave Loula a job on this morning cooking Greek Food.

We will have a family dinner and cake tomorrow. 

Friday, 16 February 2018

Making money and saving money

I have found another receipt app that on the face of it seem quite good. There is a time bonus with this one so you have to take the picture on the day opposed to receipt hog where I save them all up and do it in one go.

The new App is called   Shoppix. I have only been doing it a week and already I have quite a ew tokens.  

Could I ask you to use my referral link if you sign up please. CZU422SW  Thank you in advance. 

Now on to the saving I have been using Plum it's a great little app on my phone that grabs money and saves it for me. And it shows me how much i've spent on a weekly and daily basis. 

Apply via our link and keep your account active (don't pause savings) and you'll get a £5 bonus added to your account within 30 days of Plum making your first automatic save.

If you decide to use it please use my referral link.


Thursday, 15 February 2018


Well I came home and cooked the Valentine dinner out of the freezer, fridge and cupboards.

It was lovely and even more so because it didn't cost an arm and a leg.

My new baby arrived yesterday as well!

A thing of beauty 

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

Dine in for free

I was going to go to M&S and get the dine in for two meal.

But then I thought I have Champagne in the cellar, two bottles of pink we will only have the one as it's a school night and we both have to be up early for work tomorrow. A massive freezer full of food.

So I am going to be frugal and cook what I have.

I have decided on Prawn cocktail to strat

Arrabiata with meat balls for our main meal.

Cherry chocolate balls  for desert.

Freezer getting empty and saving money.

Tuesday, 13 February 2018

Happy Shrove Tuesday

I's not a happy start in this house.

Geoff has kept me awake all night snoring. He's been snoring since 02;30 am. This has happened the last two night I am that tired I had to finish work early yesterday and go to bed when I got in. Looks like it might be the same today.

Quick and easy dinner Pancakes. Traditional dinner for shrove Tuesday.

Savory for Geoff sweet and savory for me and sweet for Tash

Monday, 12 February 2018

The house is falling down !!!

I was sta in the lounge and my daughter said whats that noise? we went into the kitchen and there was water all over the place.

It would appear the shower was leaking.

The seal has gone a little on the edge of the tray and the tiles.

This is what he did while I was upstairs having a look. Because it's tiled floor to ceiling He said he had to do this.

The builder will sort it when he starts the kitchen....

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