About Me

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Hello my name is Donna. Thanks for visiting. I live in an Edwardian house in inner city Manchester, I love Baking, car booting, hunting around charity shops, and crafting.I work full time.I have two grown up children. And lots of spare time. This blog is my online diary where I can and do ramble on about my everyday life.

Tuesday, 10 April 2018

Frugal fried chicken fried rice.

More frugal cooking today. I had more veg lurking in the fridge and a piece of chicken out of the freezer.
Nipped out to grab a few bits for Geoff while i'm away in London. Cooked it and put it in the freezer for him.

Monday, 9 April 2018

Frugal cooking

With all this mess and upheaval I haven't been using all our food properly. A lot of it has been going in the bin which I am really ashamed of.

Well yesterday I got in from work looked in the fridge and had a lot of veg lurking at the bottom of the fridge.

Veggie spag bol with some yellow stickered  meat balls from M&S and a big tub in the freezer for another day.

Hopefully only another two weeks and I will have a functioning kitchen, and can start planning meals again properly.

Sunday, 8 April 2018

08/04/2018 Weekly round up

I have been really busy with work this week. And too be honest really fed up with all that's going on at home.The dust and the mess are really getting me down.

The building inspector struck again on Friday about the pitch off the roof. The roof he said I had to have. We have to use special tiles that were  going to take 10 weeks to come.:-( But the builder has sourced some more that are more expensive but will only take a few days to arrive.

 Not really much progress this week. I am going away to London on Tuesday so should see some when I get back.

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