About Me

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Hello my name is Donna. Thanks for visiting. I live in an Edwardian house in inner city Manchester, I love Baking, car booting, hunting around charity shops, and crafting.I work full time.I have two grown up children. And lots of spare time. This blog is my online diary where I can and do ramble on about my everyday life.

Saturday, 12 May 2018

I have a kitchen

The kitchen fitters came back to finish the kitchen and guess  what the builder had told me to order the wrong part. No probs as ever I phoned Wickes and received fantastic customer service. The part is coming on the 22nd and the fitters are coming back on 24th all sorted its an end it that's decorative so doesn't stop me using my shiny new kitchen.

It wasn't a wasted journey for them as they had to sand and oil my worktops any way.

Here it is nearly finished just have to get some blinds fitted next week.

There's a couple of problems in the dining room so once they are done I can get the blinds for all of it.

 Natasha bought us a bottle of Champagne at the start of this and said open it when your sat in it and happy with it.

I can't wait to crack it open. 

Thursday, 10 May 2018


We had some tiles fitted yesterday. I really think it finishes it off.

The kitchen will be finished today. Finaly!! 

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Eating at the table

We put our old table up as a temporary measure last night it was so nice to eat at the table again. I have so missed it. I really don't like eating on my knee.

It looks a little lost in that expanse

Monday, 7 May 2018


I have had o work this weekend. Geoff bless him has worked really hard painting the kitchen and new dining room.

He thinks it needs a second coat. It's so big which  makes it really hard word for him.

I will be home at 3pm so can lend him a hand then.

We had a landscaper come and have a look yesterday, another's coming today  and a friends brother who's a landscaper is coming  tomorrow. See how the qoutes differ. 

Sunday, 6 May 2018

A little progress

Still no sign of the builder we are just getting on with what we can. We have found quite a big list of things that need attention. So can only do so much.

 We had to cut the dresser down to get it in. |The new skirting boards are thicker apparently.

 I ordered my fire and hearth yesterday. It's ready in two weeks.

 Painting in the extension.

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