About Me

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Hello my name is Donna. Thanks for visiting. I live in an Edwardian house in inner city Manchester, I love Baking, car booting, hunting around charity shops, and crafting.I work full time.I have two grown up children. And lots of spare time. This blog is my online diary where I can and do ramble on about my everyday life.

Saturday, 20 January 2018

Finding money

 I do love the weekends even though I work them. I think it's because there's hardly any traffic and you can take it a little slower. You don't have to rush around getting ready then fighting your way through the traffic. 

I really don't know how this has happened I was busy packing away my dresser ready for when the builders start. Its a lot fuller than this now. It was a red and white stripe tea pot. When i took the lid of to wrap it in news paper.

  I found three of these

One of these 

And one of these 

I don't know how long it's been there and to be perfectly honest I don't know where it's from, or why I would have put it there.

It's gone in my savings jar. 

Friday, 19 January 2018


What can I say I had a lovely day we went into Stockport to go to the world war two underground tunnel museum. we got there at 10:00 and it didn't open until 13:00 today. Well that's when my day started to go down hill. We thought we would go shopping instead.


I nipped into Debenhams and got two lovely cushions for next Christmas. I went to Argos to get a soda stream, because I drink a lot of fizzy water and it doesn't  sit right with me the amount of plastic I am throwing away with the empty bottles. Any way the £39.00 ones were all sold out the next one was £69.00. So I thought I would have a look when I got home.

I stated to have a look when I got home and came across this. I bought one and its on it's way.

I nipped out and when I got back my laptop again was making a funny noise it again went WOOSH, POP, BANG. And it was DEAD.

I took it back and have a new one. If this one goes I am going to get my money back.

I have spoken to a computer expert about this problem i'me having. Apparently there is a conflict with the operating system and microsoft. So when its updating it doesn't like it. It's not something Microsoft are advertising.

He told me what to do to fix my old one. And Hey Ho its working.

So a good day and a bad day.

A smashing time

I transferred all our alcohol to the cellar yesterday. I don't know how we have so much I think we pick bottles up on our travels and then just leave it on the top of the kitchen cupboards. We only really drink (me) Brandy when I have a cold in a hot toddy and Geoff Whisky in his hot toddy. Anyway it got me thinking Doe Alcohol go off??

After I did this I was mopping the kitchen floor and all of a sudden one of the wall cupboards flew open and every glass we own came flying out and smashed all over the work top and floor.

There was glass every where! I was stood in a sea of glass. Geoff and Natasha ran down the stairs shouting my name. As you can imagine the noise was deafening and they were concerned I was hurt. The poor cats ran and hid and stayed there for hours.

I had to go out and buy a couple of glasses. I will replace them after the building work is complete.

I then broke a dinner plate and side plate when  was washing up. I was gutted at this because I love this set. I went to see if they had any in our small M&S only to find out they have stopped selling them.

It's not a disaster I have white plates I will just use a white one and a blue one alternatively when I set the table.

Wednesday, 17 January 2018


A couple of blogs I read are talking about wonbling. For people who don't know what that is it's picking up receipts off the floor any where in the supermarket the car park department stores.

You can have your loyalty points put on your card if the receipt hasn't already been used.

Apart from that I also use my receipts to collect  rewards I can redeem at Amazon and Paypal.

Using Receipt hog

It  must have been sunny today my lights are on on my gate

And puddings found a new place to sit

Tuesday, 16 January 2018


I promised myself I would pack a box of  kitchen and dining room stuff away a day at the start of the year.Of course it didn't happen. The reason being is I just have too much stuff.

I made a start today and managed six boxes. I am going to do another two tonight if I have 20 boxes packed by the end of the week i'me on track.

I am going to sort out what I am keeping and whats going when all the work is finished and have a proper sort out then. It looks so much bigger and better with just half the crap out of the dining room. I am not going to fill it back up I am only going to keep things that are useful.

This was me yesterday

And this is what i'm going to try and do.

I have been on a night shift and it has finally just stopped raining. We have had very  heavy rain all night with a fabulous thunder and lightening storm. 
This was Manchester at 02:30 this morning. 

Monday, 15 January 2018

15th January 2018

Well its the start of another week. Its pay day. The council are starting work on the road outside today apparently it's going to take three weeks to resurface it.
We went out to move my daughters car last night and it wouldn't start. We have had to put the battery on charge for the night. I don't know about the road the pavements are in a terrible state. I reported them in September and still have an open job.

I have a window company coming today along with a kitchen company and a builder to give us another quote.I wonder if they will get here seeing as you can't drive down the road.

I made a banana loaf yesterday thought it would last us a couple of days. No chance with these two.

Sunday, 14 January 2018

Manchester Town Hall closing

I have blogged ab out this before, but for my own online diary which I look at my little blog as. I want to remember this.
Today is the last day the town hall will be  open I had tickets to go on the tour but having worked there have seen it all, So I gave them to a work colleague who hasn't seen it all.

Although I work for the council I work in a satellite   sight as they call it.

My daughter's team are still going to work out of there until July with hard hats to protect them. Ridiculous I know!!

It took 9 years to build the town hall and its going to take 7 years to refurbish it.

There will be no more filming there for a while the latest being peaky blinders and the Darkest hour.

                                                How it looked when it was first built.

These pictures are from the councils twitter account. I just think its a fabulous building steeped in history.

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