About Me

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Hello my name is Donna. Thanks for visiting. I live in an Edwardian house in inner city Manchester, I love Baking, car booting, hunting around charity shops, and crafting.I work full time.I have two grown up children. And lots of spare time. This blog is my online diary where I can and do ramble on about my everyday life.

Monday, 13 April 2020


I haven't been on here since last year. Not even had a sneaky peek.

This time last year we had just completed our loft conversion and we were both really tired of a messy dusty house. It had been a long two years of house renovations. 

 I was busy at work, busy planning holidays, family days. and was looking forward to a long weekend in London to celebrate our 39th anniversary! I  had booked a busy fun-packed few days our Anniversary is the 18th May

On the 13th May Geoff rang me at work and asked me to make him a GP appointment. He said he wasn't feeling well and seeing as he hadn't been to see the GP for twelve years I thought he must feel bad. What is it with men? why can't they make their own appointments? I rang, The receptionist said he could have one in two weeks. 

When I got in from work at 10:00PM that night Geoff had just got in also. He looked ill and I was worried. He's never ill never takes time off work.
I asked him to stay off the next day and we would try and see the GP.

14th May 2019
I got an appointment at 10:30 he was very nice asked Geoff lots of questions, asked me lots of questions and took some blood. He said if nothing comes back from the blood tests He would go down the mental health route.

The GP phoned us at 5:30PM and said we had to come to the surgery and collect a letter then go straight to hospital as Geoff needed an emergency blood transfusion.

Geoff wanted a shower before we went so off he went upstairs, at 17:45 the surgery rang us and said they were staying open for us to collect this letter. It was at this point I started to get frightened.

Our youngest daughter came home, and she and her partner took us to the  hospital. When we got there within half an hour he was hooked up and was having his blood transfusion. He had more blood tests during this time.

I had called my eldest daughter and her and her partner were also with us. By 9:00 that night our life changed all six of us sat there when the doctor said We are 99% sure you have Leukaemia.

Geoff was very good and asked if it was treatable? she said it was.

We spent our anniversary in a pod with cakes from M&S . He had to be in an isolation pod for his treatment as any infection could kill him.

He started his chemo on 20th May 2019

Tuesday, 30 October 2018

We have been trying to get the families at work to recycle for a very long time. It's a real losing battle not only with the families but with the staff as well.I really thought I was good at not buying too much plastic. But We started making Eco bricks in work last week

 So I brought a bottle home went through the bin and got out all the plastic that's not recyclable

OMG one days worth

That's appalling I actually got the correct weight for the bottle in three days
I am really looking at everything i'm buying now.  It's the cat food I have a problem with they will only eat Flakes and that comes in sachets. I have managed to fill two bottles in a week. Ideally I would like to fill one bottle a month. We are going to use them at work to make raised beds and grow fruit and vegetables with the children.  

Sunday, 23 September 2018

Zante part two

We decided to go back to Zante to visit with some old friends.

The weather was exceptionally hot for this time of year.

Just a few of our pics.

 We had an absolutely brilliant time it is our favorite Greek Island

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